Monday, February 8, 2010

The Top Five Super Bowl Commercials

Florida Fan

I sat down, and I was ready. Ready to laugh. Then I waited, and waited, and waited, but the funny commercials just didn’t come. Personally, I think this was one of the worst collections of Super Bowl commercials in decades. Out of the rubble however, a few commercials did stand out. Here are my top five Super Bowl commercials, and yes, I did include Tim Tebow:

1. Beavers - Maybe it’s the fact I’m Canadian, or maybe it really was just a well made commercial, but the violin playing beaver was one of the best in this crowd. Animal centered commercials have always been popular (see the Budweiser frogs/lizards and the Clydesdales). This beaver was cute, funny, and he got the girl in the end. All because he found his dream job at

2. Doritos: Play Nice – “Keep your hands off my momma, and keep your hands off my Doritos.” That little man packed a stiff slap when he recognized the two things he loved the most, his mom and his chips, were in danger. Clean, funny, to the point, and ended up being one of the few commercials I remembered. Honourable mention goes to Doritos "Dog Gets Revenge" commercial, however, their "Miracle" commercial was terrible.

3. Tim Tebow and Focus on the Family - Why is this here you ask? Because, it proved all the critics wrong. The Tebow commercial was tasteful and avoided being “preachy.” It gave viewers the information necessary to discover Focus on the Family and told a good story. On this organizations website, you’ll find a sit down talk with Tebow and his mother about his near abortion as well as other family orientated information. Check it out at Really people, it wasn’t that bad was it? Can we all go back to remembering Tebow is a great football player and a good person, not the trouble maker he’s recently been made out to be. Shame on the media for jumping to conclusions.

4. Google: Parisian Love - This one leaked on the internet months ago. With emerging competition from Bing, which personally I think bites; Google came up big during the big game. This commercial was not funny, but was heartfelt and searched its way through an individual’s life. From meeting a girl and learning French, to finding a job, a home, and having a baby. Google hit one out of the park when they created a commercial that highlights what has made them famous.

5. Bridgestone: Bachelor Party - Ripping off the comedy hit of the year, “The Hangover,” will likely happen more than a few times this year. This commercial, which featured an Orca whale and a few guys putting an end to a bachelor party was funny, yet not ridiculous. Obviously the ability to cover up an intense night of drinking by ridding your last piece of evidence, a giant whale, into the ocean relies on driving with Bridgestone tires. Either way you look at it, it was a great commercial.

I also really loved the Betty White Snickers spot, the Dennys commercials, and TruTV.

So they weren’t that funny, in fact, several of the best commercials proved not to be funny at all, but there were some highlights in the sludge that was the 2010 Super Bowl Commercials. Here’s hoping next year features more beer commercials, more animals, and Tim Tebow can come too if he wants.

Let the games begin.

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