Monday, February 1, 2010

Arenas pledges to help youth, without his guns

Wizards Arenas drives ball past Thunder Green in Washington

Here's a legitimate question. As a parent, is Gilbert Arenas the man you want as a role model for your child? Even better, would you even want Gilbert Arenas near your child?

In a recent article to the Washington Post, Arenas stated he understands the severity of what he did, that he let down the Washington youth, and pledged that he wants to guide children to a "brighter future."

Excuse me, but does this seem like a ridiculous publicity stunt to anyone else? In his letter to the Post, Arenas said "I understand the the importance of teaching nonviolence to kid's in today's world," and "Guns and violence are serious problems, not joking matters."

BULL. You lie Gilbert Arenas. The only thing you understand is that you've jeopardized your career and that this apology is a great marketing ploy. From the guy who a month ago brought guns to an arena to play a joke on a teammate, and then made light of the issue in front of thousands of children on the court, your apology seems, and is, insincere.

A while back, the NBA imposed a dress code to help bandage the fragile image of the league; however, until the league can get rid of scum like Gilbert Arenas, no number of Armani suits and Burberry ties will salvage the NBA's image.

Arenas was right when he said, "I have to earn that respect and work to deserve it each and every day."

Correct Gilbert Arenas. Just as a precaution though, I suggest you start earning your respect by cleaning a park or highway, serving food at a soup kitchen, or building homes for a local charity. Once you've started to earn your "respect" back, then you can go within a city block of a Washington youth.

I hate insincere apologies, especially coming from insincere athletes. And when you do end up working with the Washington youth again, please Gilbert, leave your guns at home.

Let the games begin.

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