Monday, March 15, 2010

David Beckham out of the World Cup


It will be the first time in years that England won't be able to call on David Beckham for international play. Here's the real question, does it really matter?

With a nation filled with young soccer stars, Beckham seems like a sentimental favourite, not an actual asset. Yes, I understand he's still one of the best in the world at free kicks and crosses, but we're missing the point here.

Not only is Beckham far past his prime, he wasn't even guaranteed to make the English roster. Beckham, who was on loan from the Los Angeles Galaxy, was only playing for AC Milan in order to improve his chances of making the English national team.

So why are so many soccer fans worried about this injury? Honestly? I have no idea. To me this seems like the perfect opportunity to replace Beckham without debate or hard feelings, and to welcome in another young, talented player.

Sports fans are sentimental and experience is always a benefit, but at some point, sentiment and experience need to be outweighed by other factors.

For the soccer fans worried across the world of the impact David Beckham's absence will have on Team England, if anything, you should be worried if you're cheering for a nation other than England. England just got younger and stronger.

David Beckham would have been a reserve at best for England's national team. So is this the worst thing that could happen? No. Who knows, it might even be the best thing that could happen to England.

It's time soccer fans say goodbye to the David Beckham era and look for a new star at this year's World Cup of Soccer.

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  1. I agree. David Beckham's injury is good for England. He wouldn't have helped the country in the World Cup. Beckham is better off returning to the Los Angeles Galaxy, rehabing his achilles and finishing out his career as a celebrity and star there.

  2. I hope Beckham makes a speedy, full recovery from his injury.
