"I'm done. Just can't play like I used to."
"I'm tired of embarrassing myself."
You can't help but feel sad for John Daly. After two paltry rounds at the Farmers Insurance Open, John Daly said he is done with professional golf.
John Daly was the improbable; a trainwreck waiting to happen; and someone you couldn't help but cheer for. And feel sorry for.
After breaking onto the PGA tour by winning the PGA Championship in 1991, Daly endeared himself to PGA fans with his long drives and unique appearane. Never one to abide by golf etiquette, Daly again surprised the golf world in 1995 winning the British Open.
It isn't the golf side of Daly's life that made his story compelling. Daly, an admitted alcoholic for much of his life, was always one bad shot, one drink, and one minute from a blow up. After suffering through several failed marriages, dealing with gambling issues, battling obesity, and smoking a prolific amount, seeing Daly trundle down the fairway really was like watching a ticking time bomb.
Still, one the good days, John Daly was an athlete you couldn't help cheering for. Something about his flaws, and the fact that he didn't hide them brought him closer to fans. People, including myself, cheered for Daly on the course, and pulled for him off the course.
Daly was honest in his downfalls. He didn't hide his dark life like the infamous Tiger Woods, instead, he almost embraced his wild side. In a way, this life, that was so distanced from the stereotypical golfer, ended up getting the best of Daly. At the same time, it is what people loved about him. Driving by a car wreck, even though you don't want to see the hurt and damage, it's hard to look away. In most cases, we stare harder, hoping to see what's hidden in the wreckage.
Nicknamed "the Lion," it is hard to believe this now sad, and embarrassed man once won two of golf's most coveted tournaments. But I hope, Daly will find happiness away from golf. He was one of the games true characters. Many golf fans will miss his thundering drives, and his adventerous life.
Let the games begin.
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